• video slide

    Introducing ForceNet:

    The Future Of The Internet

What is FORCE

ForceNet is a secure, anonymous and decentralized internet that anyone can use, all the way from simple end-user site hosting and file sharing to enterprise-grade services such as video streaming and VoIP.

Based on a 3-tier network model, ForceNet combines the necessary elements from traditional internet services, such as global coverage, redundancy, scalability and high performance, with state of the art blockchain technology enabling high-grade encryption, anonymity and consensus, meaning that no single entity has the power to take down services and censor users and user assets.

ForceNet aims to become the world's first enterprise-grade, high-performance and fully scalable decentralized internet-like network, that is ready for mass adoption. We believe that a decentralized network is a more efficient and democratic structure than existing models and are building a robust backbone that will cater to today's increasingly performance-hungry world of high-speed information.

ForceNet makes use of Force (i.e. Forcecoin), its underlying cryptocurrency token (similar to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash and others) in order to govern the network's own economy. Transactions can be made using Force to exchange value between users and pay for services rendered by the network. Force is a fully private currency which supports instant transactions, that are overseen by its vast network of Supernodes - dedicated servers that maintain the integrity of the network. Automated trading will be the next step where inverstors can save time and effort. There are already many Bitcoin automated trading apps in the market which have consierably raied the price of Bitcoin. Check this cryptosoft erfahrung to learn about how they operate.


ForceCoin uses powerful cryptography with each transaction being confirmed by a vast array of users who dedicate existing funds (Proof of Stake) to maintain consensus of its distributed ledger (the blockchain) and are rewarded for their efforts.


ForceCoin incorporates a Stealth Addresses capability to ensure that your financial record remains fully confidential and free from scrutiny.


ForceCoin utilizes InstantX technology which allows each transaction to be sent and confirmed in split seconds by powerful servers spread across the globe.


ForceCoin is a disinflationary currency with a strict economic policy in place to regulate how many coins are created every day. As time goes by, less and less coins are minted until a hard cap of ~220m total coins is reached.


ForceNet is run on top of a vast cluster of hosting servers and relay nodes worldwide who maintain the network, host and deliver content as well as provide redundancy against one another. It is virtually impossible for the network to suffer any downtime.


ForceNet's array of nodes is located in dozens of countries on multiple continents with each given an equal voting right, ensuring that no single point of failure exists and that the network cannot be governed by a single or even a handful of parties.


With an infinitely scalable infrastructure and an extremely low cost of setting up a node and contributing to the network, ForceNet's performance is virtually unlimited and can dynamically grow to accommodate any growing needs.


By nature, ForceNet's protocol provides anonymity to users as anyone can use, host, serve and operate a node on the network. Except for dedicated services that require it (such as social networks and email services), users do not need to disclose personal information in order to make use of its various services.


Total Supply

Coins required for Masternode



Mac Wallet

Windows Wallet

Linux Wallet



  • Genesis Block

    Launch of the ForceCoin network, securing mining pools and releasing wallets

  • Exchanges

    List Force on multiple exchanges. Force is currently being traded on stocks.exchange, coinsmarkets.com and crypto-bridge

  • Wallets

    Release new Windows, Mac and Linux wallets built with the fundamental services of ForceCoin


  • Whitepaper

    Release a whitepaper providing an in-depth explanation of the merits of ForceNet, use cases, technical specifications and future direction

  • Alpha

    Release the first working version of ForceNet, conduct user testing, security auditing and failover tests

  • Marketing

    Increase exposure and grow the user base of the ForceNet network by use of PR articles, social media marketing and viral user sharing activities

  • ForceNet launch

    Release the final version and launch the service, expand ForceNode functionality to support the ForceNet network and launch the first batch of NetNodes

  • Ongoing Protocol Research

    Enhance the Force protocol used by the ForceNet network to operate in order to increase functionality, variety of services, increase performance and network resiliance

  • Future Partnerships

    Introduce major players in the industry to the ForceNet network with the aim of disrupting existing services and ensuring the long term health and service offering of ForceNet


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ForceNet is a secure, anonymous and decentralized internet that anyone can use, all the way from simple end-user site hosting and file sharing to enterprise-grade services such as video streaming and VoIP. Based on a 3-tier network model, ForceNet combines the necessary elements from traditional internet services, such as global coverage, redundancy, scalability and high performance, with state of the art blockchain technology enabling high-grade encryption, anonymity and consensus, meaning that no single entity has the power to take down services and censor users and user assets.

SuperNodes require a collateral of 500k Force coins and are compensated for providing financial services to the ForceCoin network as well as for providing DNS-like services to the ForceNet network.

NetNodes require a collateral as low as 50 Force coins and are compensated for the network services that they offer.

Masternode Guide

Steps below set up a cold storage node, this means the collateral remains in your cold wallet that you can take offline to keep the funds secure. In an ideal world, a 'cold wallet' is a cheap computer you use only to manage crypto wallets and you unplug it when you are not using it. At the end of the guide, there is an option to receive the rewards from the Masternode in a hot wallet that is online for staking


  • 500,000 force as collateral for the Masternode.
  • Remote computer to run the Masternode, this is usually a VPS.
  • A secure computer to run the cold wallet that holds collateral.
  • Optionally a third computer that runs a hot wallet to receive rewards.


Stage 01

On the cold wallet

1) Generate a Masternode key

In the wallet menu go to:

		            Help > Debug Window > Console

A new window opens up with the console in here type:

		            masternode genkey

The return value of this command is your Masternodes key, this key is used to prove you own the collateral for the node without having to share the private key that is able to spend the coins.

2) Create a collateral address

In the wallet menu go to:

		            Help > Debug Window > Console

A new window opens up with the console in here type:

		            getaccountaddress masternode

This command will return an address you send the fund to. Note: 'masternode' is the label of the address in the wallet, if you have multiple Masternodes it is best to create a unique address and label per node.

3) Setup the collateral

Send the 500k force to the address generated in the previous step, this needs to be done in one transaction. (if multiple transactions are used it is not possible to get the correct txid with vin to identify the collateral)

To use the collateral one needs to get the transaction id (txid) and the index of the output value (vin) in that transaction.

a) Use the debug console

Open the console as before, type in the command:

		            masternode outputs

This returns a list of key-value pairs (or just one value pair) that holds the info needed. One of the key value pairs is new txid and vin for the Masternode.

		                "<letters and numbers>":"<0 or 1>",
		                "<letters and numbers>":"<0 or 1>",

b) Use the explorer

Look up the address on the explorer http://for.explorerz.top:3027, sins it is a new address and only one transaction should be sent to it you can see the transaction id.

By clicking on the transaction id you can see the outputs, assuming that the transaction has a remainder you will see two Recipients. One is the collateral the other is the change; if the collateral is above the change or there is no change your vin is 0 else it is 1.

Stage 02

On the remote server.

Note: Setting up a secure and stable server is a whole topic of its own. Sins this guide only looks at a cold wallet setup your funds are never at risk because they remain on the cold wallet and the server has no info to spend them.

Note: The guide assumes you are able to set up a VPS and connect to it using putty or some other secure shell. The second assumption is that you are using Ubuntu 16.04 as Operating System (OS) on the virtual private server (VPS).


  • https://www.vultr.com/
  • https://www.digitalocean.com/

a) Using setup script

		            wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/forceunited/force-masternode-setup-ubuntu/master/16-04-setup.sh

Next make the script executable and then execute it.

		            chmod +x 16-04-setup.sh

The script will install the force daemon and ask you for info required to configure the Masternode. After the script is done it will exit and the master node will remain active waiting for it's start command from the cold wallet. Once it is done you can exit the VPS and continue with 'Stage 3'; when the script fails try a manual setup or ask for help.

Info Required:

		            Password: used to secure the RPC interface of the node.
		            Masternode Key: Masternode key generated on the cold wallet.
		            The IP Address: public address of VPS server the node runs on.

Note: The script says to use port '37245' but further down this guide uses port '37246' both ports will work but if you ever need to interact with the RPC interface of the node using port '37245' will require you to do some extra configuration. (some monitoring tools require RPC access to the node to check it's status)

No matter what port you use it needs to be the same on the VPS and the cold wallet!

b) Manual setup

In case the script fails or you are using a different OS, a manual install might be required.

Update and install deps:

		            sudo apt-get update -y
		            sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
		            sudo apt-get -y update 
		            sudo apt-get -y install build-essential libssl-dev libdb+-dev libboost-all-dev libcrypto++-dev libqrencode-dev libminiupnpc-dev libgmp-dev libgmp3-dev autoconf autogen automake libtool unzip

Get source (adjust for last version)

		            wget https://github.com/forceunited/force/archive/v3.7.0.0.tar.gz
		            tar xvf v3.7.0.0.tar.gz
		            rm v3.7.0.0.tar.gz
		            cd force-

Build and copy the executable (the make command will take a while)

		            cd src
		            make -f makefile.unix
		            cp ./Forced ~/Forced
		            cd ~/

Setup the configuration

		            mkdir ~/.Force
		            nano ~/.Force/Force.conf

Put the info below in the configuration file and replace '<...>' with your info.

		            masternodeaddr=<vps ip>:37246
		            masternodeprivkey=<masternode key>

Start the node (enter to go back)

		            ./Forced -daemon

Make sure it is running

		            ./Forced getinfo

At this point, your node is ready for the start command to be sent from the cold wallet. Log out of the VPS and make sure it keeps running.

Stage 03

Back on the cold wallet.

In the wallet go to:

		            Supernodes > My Master Nodes > Create ...

A new window pops up asking you for node info.

		            Alias: <a name for the node>
		            Address: <vps ip>:<37245 or 37246>
		            PrivKey: <masternode key>
		            TxHash: <txid>
		            Output Index: <vin>
		            Reward Address: <optional other address to recieve rewards>
		            Reward %: <optional percentage of coins to send to other address>

Press 'ok' and then 'update' in the main window. The node should now be visible in the list and you can select it followed by the 'start' button to get the node running. Leave the cold wallet open for a while so it can send the command out to other nodes and shortly after you should see rewards coming in. (How long till the first reward depends on network state)


That is all there is to it, enjoy the returns and hold.


How is the Masternode key linked to the collateral? When starting the node from your cold wallet the cold wallet will use the private key of the collateral to sign the Masternode key. Other nodes on the network can then verify this signature as proof that the Masternode key is owned by the holder of the collateral. The Masternode key is then used by the Masternode to sign Masternode operations.


If new updates come out it is not required to repeat all steps mentioned above. You just update the cold wallet as you would any other wallet and then you have to update the remote Masternode on the VPS before starting the master node again from the cold wallet.

a) Using setup script

Simply remove the old script, download the new one and run it again. Note that this will require the info you used the first time again.

		            rm ./16-04-setup.sh
		            wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/forceunited/force-masternode-setup-ubuntu/master/16-04-setup.sh
		            chmod +x 16-04-setup.sh

b) Manual setup

When using the manual setup the source needs to be compiled again but configuration stayed in place.

Remove old app (adjust for old version)

		            rm -r ./force-
		            rm ./Forced

Before building the updated node it is good to make sure your vps is up-to-date as well

		            sudo apt-get update -y
		            sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y
		            sudo apt-get -y update 

Reboot (and reconnect)

		            sudo shutdown -r now

Get source (adjust for last version)

		            wget https://github.com/forceunited/force/archive/v3.7.0.0.tar.gz
		            tar xvf v3.7.0.0.tar.gz
		            rm v3.7.0.0.tar.gz
		            cd force-

Build and copy the executable (the make command will take a while)

		            cd src
		            make -f makefile.unix
		            cp ./Forced ~/Forced
		            cd ~/

Reboot (and reconnect)

		            sudo shutdown -r now

Start the node and check it.

		            ./Forced -daemon
		            ./Forced getinfo

Once this is done it might be required to go to the cold wallet and execute the start command again from the 'Supernodes' -> 'My Master Nodes' window.